Time to go beyond gas!
Conference «Global gas lock-in: linking North-South resistance» – Video and picture gallery
Local activists and NGOs who are fighting against gas projects all around the world came together at a large international conference in Brussels which took place from 21 to 23 September 2017. Under the headline «Global gas lock-in: linking North-South resistance», participants took part in different activities aiming at building and strengthening a global network to fight against extraction, pipelines, LNG Terminals and to phase out all fossil fuels.
More information, the programme and presentations of the conference are available on the event page.
The conference was organised by: Counter Balance: Challenging Public Investment Banks – Corporate Europe Observatory – Gastivists – Friends of the Earth Europe – PowerShift e.V. – Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels Office
Duration 2:09
Thanks to Food & Water Watch for creating this video and making it available!

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