A month into a national lockdown, Portuguese healthcare has fared far better than the southern European democracy’s welfare net. The growth of COVID-19 cases has slowed down as it approaches the twenty thousand mark, even if it’s yet to plateau. Deaths have been held down to just over six hundred. The economy, on the other hand, is headed for a historic recession. Portugal’s first case of COVID-19 came on the 2nd of March. By then, the public had been pushed into a paranoid frenzy by weeks of apocalyptic news-reports and daily ...
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¿Quién nos alimenta en tiempos revueltos?

Soledad Castillero Quesada, Antropóloga Social
Manos que no vemos, nombres que no conocemos.Comer, del latín comedere El prefijo com, según una teoría etimológica, indica que no deberíamos comer solas. Comer, ese verbo que también alberga el acto de humanizar, pues sin comida el ser humano no es. Ese verbo tan autómata e instintivo, pues responde a una necesidad biológica envuelta, eso sí, en toda una argamasa social y cultural que determina qué, con quién, cómo, de dónde, cuánto se come, etc. El alimento y por tanto el verbo y la acción de comer han de ser un derecho universal. ...
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Lisbon, a municipality in times of Covid-19

Ricardo Sant'Ana Moreir, Engineer and specialist in public policy
There is no Portuguese miracle, but so far Portugal has been able to flatten the curve. 24 days after the 100th case, the growth rate of new cases and deaths has slowed down. It is far from over, but these sound like good news, and are the outcome of several measures, such as the declaration of the state of emergency (supported by a large majority in the parliament), the closing of schools and the behavior of the people, who have abided to social isolation, even though no extraordinary security measures were put in place. Nevertheless, the ...
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La disputa por una salida social a la crisis del coronavirusEl primer Gobierno de coalición de la democracia afronta resolver la pandemia como su gran reto · El Ejecutivo ha sacado adelante medidas de carácter social para evitar “que esta crisis la paguen los de siempre” · Las disputas entre ministros del Gobierno español perfila una controversia global: la necesidad de una intervención estatal en esta crisis frente a la ortodoxia neoliberal.