climate change

El gas natural está escalando posiciones y ganando relevancia en el escenario energético mundial. Existen numerosas publicaciones e investigaciones que evalúan el riesgo de combustibles como el petróleo y el carbón pero en el caso del gas natural, es más difícil encontrar análisis críticos de los peligros de su promoción. La Trampa Global del Gas pretende mostrar las diferentes dimensiones, y sus riesgos asociados, del impulso global y europeo del gas natural. En él se tratan aspectos geopolíticos, económicos, financieros, ...
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Time to go beyond gas!

Food & Water Europe
Conference "Global gas lock-in: linking North-South resistance" - Video and picture galleryLocal activists and NGOs who are fighting against gas projects all around the world came together at a large international conference in Brussels which took place from 21 to 23 September 2017. Under the headline "Global gas lock-in: linking North-South resistance", participants took part in different activities aiming at building and strengthening a global network to fight against extraction, pipelines, LNG Terminals and to phase out all fossil fuels. More information, the ...
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Just Transition

Conference organised by the Delegation DIE LINKE. in the European Parliament and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels, in cooperation with Transform!A socially just energy transition can only be achieved together. To form this common ground, to exchange different experiences and to hold strategic discussions, it was for these reasons that representatives of European trade union federations, NGOs, think tanks, the climate movement, the scientific sector, and politicians of different levels met at the invitation of the GUE/NGL Group in the European Parliament, the Rosa Luxembourg ...
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